You probably struggled and pass the last semester. It is the final semester that is approaching soon and you need to score very good marks in this examination! while you are looking for various solutions online and offline through the innumerable websites and books, we suggest you to check the NCERT solutions class 9 science and other subjects. whotimes Now, you will ask us why is this recommendation so strong? Well, the reasons for this is simple that these NCERT solutions are based on the CBSE board examinations. Then obviously the board itself suggests it to use for the student’s convenience. Next, these are available in very easy and simple language, so you can understand them easily. Also, these solutions are verified and created and double checked by expert teachers so you will never go wrong utilising them. And for the tips to use these solutions in the best way to score good marks in your exams, read on.
- Learn through your NCERT solutions and board syllabus simultaneously — While we strongly support the NCERT solutions class 9 science and other subjects, we suggest you to also keep your board syllabus ready with you. Now, compare both the syllabus and check if you are covering all the topics for your examinations. Also, don’t leave even one topic from both the solution and the syllabus so that you are fully ready for your examinations with everything learnt perfectly well.
- Read the entire concept properly – Reading is a very essential part of learning and preparing for your examinations. If you really want to get good marks for your examinations, we suggest you to read each and every chapter from your textbook carefully. Next, you can start reading from the NCERT solutions class 9 science and other subjects. This will help you grasp the concept properly. And even if you are not learning the answers completely, just because of reading the text and solutions, you can attempt the answers if they come in the examination
- Attempt the exercises in the end of the chapters – If you check the NCERT solutions, you will find that each of the chapter has some practise question sets in the end. You shouldn’t miss practising these exercises at the end of every chapter on your own to know if you understood the chapter or not and how much you can recollect from the concepts starsfact.
- Solve previous papers – You will get lots of question papers available online or on the studying applications that you use. These papers are actually previous year’s examinations test papers. So basically, when you are solving these, you are automatically getting a lot of practise to attempt your exams as well.
- The revision – To review the key ideas right before your tests, use the highlighted section(s) or topics. Students frequently believe that the textbook has a lot of information, making it difficult to quickly review material from it. Your own notes from NCERT textbooks will be useful at this point. Revisions are considerably simpler and quicker using notes from NCERT textbooks and highlighted text.