Vendor performance review examples can be used to create your own evaluation criteria. These templates showcase what you should include in your vendor evaluation form pdf. You can apply these examples across many industries and types of businesses. An example of a technology vendor evaluation form includes an executive summary, product information, an evaluation log, and description of the evaluation criteria. There is also a section for recommendations and planned actions. The evaluation template also requires that you score the vendor on sustainability.
The objective of this review is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of a vendor, as well as assess its performance compared to competitors. The information gathered should help you determine whether the supplier is delivering ROI and is above your competitors. It should also highlight any issues or problems with the supplier and the business relationship with them. Lastly, it should focus on the relationship between the vendor and the organization. A good vendor performance review example will highlight common mistakes that companies make during the evaluation process.
If you want to make sure that your vendor is delivering on the services it was hired for, create a vendor performance review form for that specific vendor. There are several types of vendor performance review forms available, so you can create one that suits your business. However, you should be clear that one form will not work for all vendors. For example, you could have generic forms for all vendors. A service-specific review form would be more relevant to your needs.